Grace Livingston was Isabella's niece, daughter of her sister Marcia. The two had a very special relationship, and shared success as popular authors, each in her own right. Isabella was Grace's ideal and when she began to show some talent at writing, "Auntie Belle" surprised Grace with a unique gift. Grace was given a thousand sheets of paper, with the wish that she would turn them into as many dollars. Grace's first "chapter story," The Esselstynes or Alphonso and Marguerite was first published in Pansy's "Mother's Boys and Girls." Later, she surprised Grace with a copy of the story in book form.
As "Grace Livingston", she was a regular contributor to "The Pansy" magazine, and also wrote in the family circle in such books as "A Sevenfold Trouble" and "The Kaleidoscope." She married Rev. T.G.F. Hill in 1892, and began writing in earnest as Grace Livingston Hill. When she was suddenly widowed in 1899, it was her writing that gave her the ability to support her two young daughters and her widowed mother. That small gift of paper and encouragement made it possible many years later for Grace to thrive!
Over 100 books (and as many years) later, Grace's writing still changes the lives of her readers. In her lifetime, Grace was a contributor to Christian Endeavor World, The Christian Herald, Hearth and Home, Good Stories and many other publications, as well as being a popular speaker. Her books have been continuously in print around the world and several were made into silent films in their day.
Grace finished the final Pansy book, "Memories of Yesterdays" for her aunt after her death. Isabella's influence on Grace can be clearly seen in her characters' strong stands and her books' frequent salvation and temperance messages.
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