"Pansy" was a very busy woman!
In addition to being a mother, a pastor's wife, a mentor, and a member of a dynamic and close-knit extended family, she was a prolific author. Her books have been printed in numerous editions all over the world.
While her books are often referred to as children's literature, they are powerful examples of how a life should be lived for Christ that apply to readers of all ages. From her very first book, Helen Lester, to her last, Memories of Yesterdays, her purpose was to win others to Christ. The writing contest that began her career as a published author set her life's work for the Saviour in motion.
The sheer amount of Pansy Books published is staggering. At the height of her career, she was selling 100,000 books a year—a feat for any author, even today. We believe this list to be complete, but it you know of one we've missed, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Many thanks to those readers all over the world who have helped to continually update the Pansy Book List.
1898 | Agatha's Unknown Way: A Story of Missionary Guidance |
1884 | Amy Robb and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1890 | An April Walk And Other Stories From The Pansy |
1898 | As In A Mirror |
1888 | At Home And Abroad and Other Stories: Stories from The Pansy |
1887 | At Home Stories (edited by Pansy) |
1890 | Aunt Hannah and Martha and John (with Mrs. C. M. Livingston) |
1867 | Bernie's White Chicken |
1888 | Bobby's Wolf And Other Stories from The Pansy |
1887 | Boys of Algeria and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1886 | The Browning Boys |
(British Edition - Striving to Help; or, The Browning Boys) | |
1908 | The Browns at Mt. Hermon |
1888 | By Moonlight and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1899 | By Way of the Wilderness (with Mrs. C. M. Livingston) |
1884 | Carrie's Experiment and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1890 | A Centerville Centennial |
1873 | The Chautauqua Girls At Home |
(British Edition - Obeying the Call) | |
1889 | Chrissy's Endeavor |
1885 | Christie's Christmas |
1875 | A Christmas Time |
1881 | Company Try |
1875 | Cunning Workmen |
1876 | Daisy And Grandpa and Other Stories |
1884 | Danger Cliff and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1905 | David Ransom's Watch |
1888 | A Day At Grandpa Bogart's and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1884 | A Day in the Country and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1880 | Divers Women (with Mrs. C. M. Livingston) |
1871 | Docia's Journal; or God is Love |
1904 | Doris Farrand's Vocation |
1888 | A Dozen of Them |
1875 | Dr. Deane's Way And Other Stories (with Faye Huntington) |
1887 | Eighty-Seven |
1884 | An Endless Chain (British Edition - Workers Together; or, An Endless Chain) |
1880 | Enlisted (possible early version of Mrs. Harry Harper's Awakening) |
1870 | Ester Ried Asleep and Awake |
1883 | Ester Ried Yet Speaking |
(British Edition - Following Heavenward; or, The Story of Alfred Ried) | |
1906 | Ester Ried's Namesake |
1882 | Eugene Cooper |
1892 | The Exact Truth |
1882 | Five Friends |
1885 | Flossie's Triumph and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1927 | The Fortunate Calamity |
1876 | Four Girls at Chautauqua |
1913 | Four Mothers at Chautauqua |
1885 | Fred's Puzzle and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1887 | A Friend in Need and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1878 | From Different Standpoints (with Faye Huntington) |
(British Edition - From Different Standpoints; or, Perry Harrison's Mistake) | |
1885 | Gertrude's Diary And The Cube |
1877 | Getting Ahead |
1892 | Glimpses of Girlhood |
1878 | Going Halves |
1887 | A Golden Thought And Other Stories |
1896 | Grace Holbrook And Other Stories Of Endeavor Experience |
1875 | Grandpa's Darlings |
1882 | The Hall In The Grove |
1886 | A Happy Summer and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1882 | The Harrisville Young Ladies' Band; and, Mrs. Harry Harper's Awakening |
1887 | Harry's Invention and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1884 | A Hedge Fence |
1865 | Helen Lester |
1891 | Helen the Historian |
1891 | Her Associate Members |
1900 | Her Mother's Bible |
1884 | An Hour with Miss Streator |
(British Edition- A Pansy Token; or, An Hour with Miss Streator) | |
1874 | Household Puzzles |
1888 | How He Escaped and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1875 | How to Teach the Little Folks (Pansy's chapter is "Methods in the Class") |
1884 | In The Woods And Out And Other Stories by Pansy |
1885 | In Vacation and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1885 | Interrupted |
1929 | An Interrupted Night |
1866 | Jessie Wells; or, How to Save the Lost |
1892 | John Remington, Martyr (with Mrs. C. M. Livingston) |
1888 | Judge Burnham's Daughters |
1872 | Julia Ried: Listening And Led |
1892 | The Kaleidoscope |
1873 | The King's Daughter |
1881 | Laura's Promise |
1878 | Leafy Fern |
1878 | Leonard's April Fool |
1877 | The Lesson In Story: Pansy's Sunday-School Lesson Book for Boys and Girls |
1886 | A Light from Persia and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1878 | Links in Rebecca's Life |
1879 | Little by Little and Other Stories |
1893 | The Little Card |
1887 | Little Fishers and Their Nets |
1878 | Little Hands and Other Stories |
1876 | Little Minnie and Other Stories by Pansy |
1877 | Little People in Picture and Story |
1912 | The Long Way Home |
1887 | Lost Nellie and Other Stories |
1911 | Lost on the Trail |
1901 | Mag and Margaret: A Story for Girls |
1895 | Making Fate |
1883 | The Man Of The House |
1902 | Mara |
1882 | Mary Burton Abroad, and Other Stories |
1931 | Memories of Yesterdays |
1891 | Miss Dee Dunmore Bryant |
1888 | Miss Doctor Bellby And Other Stories From The Pansy |
1879 | Miss Pricilla Hunter and My Daughter Susan |
1900 | Missent; or, The Story of a Letter |
1887 | The Mission Of A Gray Sock And Other Stories From The Pansy |
1874 | Modern Prophets and Other Sketches (with Faye Huntington) |
1899 | A Modern Sacrifice, The Story of Kissie Gordon's Experiment |
1888 | Monteagle |
1886 | A Morning Ride and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1887 | Mother's Boys And Girls |
1881 | Mrs. Harry Harper's Awakening and the Harrisville Young Ladies' Band |
1882 | Mrs. Solomon Smith Looking On |
1866 | Nanie's Experiment and Other Sketches |
1887 | Nettie In The Kitchen: A Story For Boys And Girls |
1880 | A New Graft on the Family Tree |
(British Edition - A New Graft on the Family Tree; or, The Reformation of a Whole Family in a Rural District in America | |
1884 | New Year's Tangles and Other Stories by Pansy |
1880 | Next Things and Dorrie's Day |
1887 | An Old Soldier's Story and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1897 | The Older Brother |
1886 | One Commonplace Day (British Edition - The Master Hand: The Story of One Commonplace Day) |
1877 | One Little Figure |
1894 | Only Ten Cents |
1886 | Our Boys and Girls At Home and Abroad |
1877 | Our Darlings; What They Think, Say, and Do |
1884 | Our Hero And Other Stories From The Pansy |
1888 | Our Young Folks at Home (A biography of Pansy is on page 61) |
1889 | Out In The World: The Story Of Claire Benedict |
1896 | Overruled |
1887 | A Package for Rose and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1878 | Pansies And Other Stories |
1888 | Pansies for Thoughts, From the Writings of Pansy |
1895 | Pansy's Boys' and Girls' Picture Book |
1896 | Pansy's Boys' and Girls' Story Book |
1883 | Pansy's Home Story Book |
1887 | Pansy's Picture Book |
1876 | Pansy's Picture Book |
1883 | Pansy's Scrap Book (previously titled The Teacher's Helper) |
1882 | Pansy's Stories for Boys and Girls |
1893 | Pansy's Stories of American History |
1887 | Pansy's Story Book |
1890 | Pansy's Sunday Book |
1898 | Pansy's Sunday Book |
1895 | Pansy's Sunday Book |
1900 | Pauline |
1880 | People Who Haven't Time and Can't Afford It |
1895 | Pictures And Stories Of Jesus |
1876 | Pictures from Bobby's Life and Other Stories |
1881 | The Pocket Measure |
1878 | Pretty Soon and Other Stories |
1890 | The Prince Of Peace, or The Beautiful Life of Jesus |
1888 | Profiles |
1887 | A Quarrel And Other Stories |
1888 | Railroad Building and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1886 | Ralph's Wolves and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1876 | The Randolphs |
1878 | Red Ribbon |
1898 | Reuben's Hindrances AND How He Made Them Help Towards Progress |
1876 | Robbie and the Stars |
1879 | Ruth Erskine's Crosses |
1907 | Ruth Erskine's Son |
1884 | Sadie's Victory And Other Stories from The Pansy |
1889 | A Sevenfold Trouble by Pansy and Her Friends |
1883 | Side by Side |
1878 | Sidney Martin's Christmas |
1878 | Six Little Girls |
1887 | Six O'Clock in the Evening |
(British Edition: Grandma's Miracles; or, Stories Told at Six O'Clock in the Evening) | |
1885 | Some Boys and Girls |
1882 | Some Young Heroines |
1881 | Sowing Seed |
1886 | Spun from Fact |
1893 | Stephen Mitchell's Journey |
1886 | A Stitch in Time and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1886 | Stories and Pictures from the Life of Jesus |
1889 | Stories and Pictures from the New Testament |
1892 | Stories Told For A Purpose |
1887 | Sunday Chat for Boys and Girls (edited by Pansy) |
1878 | Sunshine Factory |
1880 | The Teacher's Helper (later re-titled Pansy's Scrap Book) |
1888 | A Thanksgiving Dinner and Other Stories |
1880 | That Boy Bob and Other Stories (with Faye Huntington and others) |
1898 | The Prince Of Peace, or The Beautiful Life of Jesus, Revised Edition |
1896 | Their Vacation and Other Stories of Striving and Doing |
1871 | Three People |
1899 | Three Times Three: A Story for Young People (with Faye Huntington and other Temperance Women) |
1878 | Tiny Making Up |
1867 | Tip Lewis and His Lamp |
1914 | Tony Keating's Surprises (Misspelled as Isabelle M. Alden on the cover) |
1885 | Turning the Mill Wheel and Other Stories from The Pansy |
1893 | Twenty Minutes Late |
1877 | Two Boys |
1902 | Unto the End |
1894 | "Wanted" |
1889 | We Twelve Girls |
1881 | What Keeping Still Did and Other Stories |
1880 | What She Said: And What She Meant; and People Who Haven't Time |
1895 | What They Couldn't: A Home Story |
1885 | Who did it? And Other Stories from The Pansy |
1877 | Wise Alice (Mother's Boys and Girls Library) |
1873 | Wise and Otherwise |
1893 | Worth Having and Other Stories |
1898 | Yesterday Framed in Today or A Story of the Christ and How To-day Received Him |
1892 | Young Folks at Home: Stories for Young Readers |
1884 | Young Folks Stories Of American History And Home Life, First Series (edited by Pansy) |
1887 | Young Folks Stories of American History and Home Life, Second Series (edited by Pansy) |
1889 | Young Folks Stories of American History and Home Life, Third Series (edited by Pansy) |
1884 | Young Folks Stories Of Foreign Lands, First Series (edited by Pansy) |
1887 | Young Folks Stories of Foreign Lands, Second Series (edited by Pansy) |
1893 | Young Folks Story Book (edited by Pansy) |
1889 | Young Folks Worth Knowing from The Pansy |
1882 | Young People Abroad (edited by Pansy) |
1882 | Young People At Home (edited by Pansy) |